Yes. Its registration number is 2021/6377779/08.

Yes we are! Blue Sky is an approved public benefit organisation for purposes of section 18A(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act. All donations to Blue Sky are tax deductible in the hands of South African donors and donations made to or by Blue Sky are exempt from Donations Tax in terms of section 56(1)(h) of the Income Tax Act.

No. Blue Sky is an enabler and a catalyser. Our role is to  assist community organisations to identify organisations suitably equipped to design, implement and /or manage projects on behalf of community organisations. Blue Sky will provide oversight and co-ordination support where appropriate.

Blue Sky will connect community trusts (and their backers) with organisations that do arrange commercial funding for this type of transaction and it does assist community trusts to anticipate and address the requirements of potential funders. Blue Sky will also identify philanthropic funders and social impact investors who may be willing to support community trusts and their projects. 

It does. An important part of Blue Sky’s work is to anticipate the governance and related requirements of funders and to assist community organisations to meet these requirements.

Not directly. Blue Sky is able to refer community trusts with shareholdings in renewable energy projects to organisations which may be willing to refinance their shareholdings.

If Blue Sky has an established relationship with a community organisation, it will assist in raising funding for specific projects which will have a significant and measurable impact on the community.

Blue Sky will work ‘at risk’ to assist community trusts to refinance their shareholdings in renewable energy projects, and recover an appropriate fee if and when the refinancing is achieved. Blue Sky has a flexible approach to fees and will always explore how it can be paid for its work in a manner which meets the expectations of the community trust. Any surpluses generated by Blue Sky will be reinvested in the projects it supports.

It has not yet done so but would give careful consideration to any request to assist a community organisation or a potential funder of community organisations in other countries.

No, Blue Sky is not a licensed to provide financial services. It will assist those it works with to identify suitably equipped financial advisers which are licensed to manage third party funds.

Not unless Blue Sky has agreed to undertake a specific project in collaboration with a particular community organisation.

Yes, if it has been mandated to do so by the community organisation and the project will have a significant and measurable impact on the community.

Yes! A South African donor will be entitled to claim a tax deduction.

The Blue Sky Foundation is a Specialised Entity and B-BBEE Level One Contributor under the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice.